As the new school year begins, parents (and students) may be interested in information about school-based services for students with disabilities. This includes specific learning disabilities (SLD) such as dyslexia, ADHD, ASD, depression/anxiety, and chronic health conditions among others. Since an LD is one of the most common types of disabilities, parents may want to know more about symptoms or signs to look for in their children. Learning what services exist and how families can access them can be confusing. At CRG, we often hear parents ask, “What’s the difference between an IEP and a 504 Plan?” Another frequent question is, “How can my son or daughter qualify for extra time or other accommodations such as a quiet test room on the SAT or ACT?” We invite you to visit the Educational Resources section of our website for more information about these important issues. Our YouTube page also includes several webinars you can watch for free. Examples include Dr. Janel Burchfield’s recent presentation, “Dyslexia 101,” Dr. Julie Steck’s presentation, “Understanding ADHD,” and Dr. Sandy Burkhardt’s webinar, “The Do’s and Don’ts of Talking with People on the Autism Spectrum.”
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