Like many incoming undergraduates, Tommy Hartley’s life has been a whirlwind this summer. He just graduated from high school, enjoyed celebrations and good-byes with family and friends, and heads off to campus this week. Like most freshmen, he begins this new chapter with a mixture of nervousness and excitement. Tommy, a proud graduate of Bishop Chatard High School, is attending Ancilla College near Plymouth, IN. A key reason for his selection is Ancilla’s program for students on the autism spectrum (APAC). Tommy loves film and theater and hopes to pursue his passion on a professional level in a few years. Inspired by the Broadway play, “A Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night,” he has gotten a good start! Tommy wrote and directed a one-act play, “Four Puzzles,” for Chatard’s annual New Play Festival. His goal was to use theater to educate others about living with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Tommy and his parents gave permission to share a link to a recent story about his remarkable journey thus far. Bravo, Tommy – we’re very proud of you!
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