Many thanks to CRG’s Front Office Coordinator, Jennifer Burns, for thinking of CRG families and college students when she saw a recent program on NBC’s Today Show. That program played a YouTube video made by Emery Bergmann, a freshman at Cornell University, after it received a lot of visits. Emery created the video as a class project to express her frustrations as she tried to quickly make friends at college. She learned that it’s definitely possible but not as immediate or easy as her social media world had led her to believe. Jenn noted that students who are transition to college might find this video comforting and added, “Maybe it would help someone feel like they aren’t alone in feeling this way! I think it is very common! Even more so in the technology age where young adults have a hard time holding face-to-face conversations. I would think this is especially try when meeting new people in an unfamiliar (out of their comfort zone) environment.” Watch the video here:
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