Clinical Psychologist
Dr. Kyle Surace is a licensed clinical psychologist that has specialized in the treatment of children (ages 3-12), adolescents, and adults who are experiencing a variety of presenting concerns. Dr. Surace aims to meet every individual or family at their developmental level. Treatment is personalized to address concerns in an appropriate and efficient manner.
Dr. Surace has had experience working with ADHD, anxiety, depression, trauma, behavioral difficulties, academic concerns, and OCD.
- PsyD in Clinical Psychology – 2021, University of Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN
- MA in Clinical Psychology – 2018, University of Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN
- BA in Psychology – 2016, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
Health Service Provider in Psychology: Indiana State Board of Examiners in Psychology, 2022 (20043508B)
Professional Experience
- Clinical Psychologist-Center for Psychological Development-August 2021-December 2022
- Doctoral Internship/Therapist-Four County Counseling Center-July 2020-July 2021
- Doctoral Practicum Student, Connections Inc.-August 2019-May 2020
- Adjunct Faculty, University of Indianapolis-January 2019-December 2019
- Adjunct Faculty, Ivy Tech Community College-August 2018-May 2020
- Doctoral Practicum Student/Therapist, Center for Psychological Development-August 2018-July 2019
- Doctoral Practicum Student/Behavioral Health Therapist, Jane Pauley Community Health Center-August 2017-July 2018
Professional Affiliations
American Psychological Association (APA)