When the nearly 8% of the population with ADHD learns how to manage their symptoms, they often find incredible ways to harness their many strengths. It is still true, unfortunately, that symptoms of ADHD can be misunderstood as laziness, lack of intelligence, and making poor choices. Consequently, this “hidden disability” often leads to poor self-esteem, chronic difficulties with school and jobs, and checkered relationships. Too many people with ADHD are demoralized by the belief that they will never live up to their potential. Jessica McCabe knows all about this. A young woman with ADHD herself, she has built a career out of better understanding how ADHD brains influence behavior in positive and negative ways. Her “How to ADHD” YouTube channel videos have received over a million views. Watch this TedTalk to learn more about her remarkable journey. If you have ADHD or love someone who does, Jessica’s story will probably sound very familiar.
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