May 29 – 31, 2019: CRG’s Postsecondary Disability Specialist, Dr. David Parker, will teach a three day strand at the University of Connecticut’s 31st Annual Postsecondary Disability Training Institute (PTI), to take place in Boston this year. Dr. Parker’s topic, “Are the Kids Alright? Challenges to Students’ Emotional Well-Being,” will focus on resilience, grit, and mental health issues in today’s college undergraduates.
His lectures will be based on the 2016 book Dr. Parker co-edited, Becoming Self-Determined: Creating Thoughtful Learners in a Standards-Driven, Admissions-Frenzied Culture. This publication and the related lectures help to explain societal trends that have limited high school students’ ability to develop strong self-determination as they gear up for college and will address the recent college admissions scandal as well.