One of the biggest problems in life is feeling like you’re all alone – that no one could possibly understand your feelings or experiences. At CRG, we understand you, we care about you, and we are here to help you take care of yourself so that you can live a happy, healthy life. But sometimes you may just want to read more, or watch an online video, to better understand something going on in your life.
The following links can make that easier for you. Please let us know of any other topics or resources you’d like us to feature here. If you can help us help others, we all win.
Feelings and Moods
Stress (How to take care of yourself)
Cyberbullying (What is it and how to protect yourself)
Understanding Anxiety (Information from Anxiety Disorders Association of America)
Asperger Syndrome (Information from Kids’ Health)
Emotional Health (Understanding and dealing with feelings)
Engage in Change (Bullying Prevention)
Learning and School
Fact Monster (Study skills for kids)
Study Skills Tips (Better ways to learn, study, and take tests)
Khan Academy (thousands of tutorial videos about many school subjects)
Is There Life After High School? (Information for teens with learning disorders)
Online Quiz and Test Taking Strategies (Helpful tips for students of all ages)
Dartmouth College Learning Strategies Videos
SAT and ACT Test Preparation Tips and Resources
Family and Friends
Dealing with My Parents’ Divorce (What you can do to make it easier)
What to Do If You Have No Friends (Why does this happen?)
Social skills videos for people on the autism spectrum
Other Young People Like You
Model Me Kids (Videos for learning social skills)
University of New Hampshire Students with LD and ADHD (Learn how they are succeeding in college)
Childhood/Teenage Attention Deficit Disorder