CRG’s Postsecondary Disability Specialist and ADD/Life Coach, Dr. David Parker, stays active in the world of higher education when he is not at CRG. Along with Dr. Sharon Field (self-determination guru from Wayne State University), he has co-edited and contributed chapters to “Becoming Self-Determined: Creating Thoughtful Learners in a Standards-Driven, Admissions-Frenzied Culture.” Like many others, Dr. Parker was deeply moved two years ago by the suicides of several Indianapolis-area high school students. Since then, he and his colleagues have sought a deeper understanding of resilience, grit, and the pressures on so many of today’s high school students, families, and teachers. This new publication, which focuses on all students (not just those with disabilities) describes practical strategies that teachers, faculty, campus personnel, and even families can use to help young people pursue higher education in ways that resonate with a student’s dreams, values, and interests. The book can be ordered via beginning the week of July 25th
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