Dr. Sandy Burkhardt and Dr. David Parker recently hosted a Saturday morning workshop at CRG for the parents of young adults on the autism spectrum (ASD). We were delighted to have a full house (21 participants)! Due to this expressed interest, additional workshops are under development. Stay tuned for more information. College isn’t for everyone, and this applies to people with ASD, too. We need to continue helping families explore alternative paths to employment for young adults with ASD who are not going to college. That said, www.collegeautism.com offers a national listing of 2- and 4-year colleges that offer comprehensive services for students with ASD. This level of support often comes with an additional fee but can be what is needed for young men and women to succeed while earning a college degree. Here in Indiana, there are two colleges that offer such services. The University of Indianapolis offers the BUILD Program. Ancilla College launched the APAC program this year for students with ASD. The APAC staff and college faculty will host the first APAC Open House on Thursday, April 5th (1:00 p.m.). For more information, click here.
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