CRG works with many high school and college students with disabilities. As college costs continue to rise, it’s helpful to know about relevant scholarship opportunities. Here are a few to look into once those Common Apps have been submitted.
- Students on the Autism Spectrum. The Organization for Autism Research (OAR) provides two scholarships for students wit Autism Spectrum Disorder who are pursuing postsecondary education. The Schwallie Family Scholarship is for students in a four-year college or university. The Lisa Higgins Hussman Scholarship is for students in a two- or four-year university, life skills or postsecondary program, or vocational, technical, or trade school. Each scholarship is worth $3,000.00. Applications are accepted from December to May. The site also lists other national scholarships for college students on the spectrum. Learn more at
- Students with ADHD. Undergraduate students with ADHD can apply for the Michael Yasick ADHD Scholarship program, which is coordinated by the Edge Foundation and Shire. This applies to students being treated for ADHD who are/will be attending an accredited college, university, trade school, technical school, or vocation school. The scholarship is worth $2,000.00 and also provides a free year of ADHD coaching services. Applications are accepted from December to March. Learn more at
- Students with Other Disabilities. The University of Washington’s DO-IT site provides information about a range of scholarships for students with LD, ASD, mental health issues, and other types of disabilities. Learn more at
- Comprehensive Information about Financial Aid for Students with Disabilities. The George Washington University has prepared a brief report that provides extensive information about this topic. Learn more at
- Scholarship Application Deadlines. The U.S. Department of Education helps you keep track of federal student aid deadlines. Enter your state of legal residence and the school year for which you are applying for student aid. Then click “view deadlines.” Learn more at