By now, you have probably heard about Lori Laughlin, Felicity Huffman and scores of other parents, coaches, and test proctors who conspired to help students get into prestigious universities through unfair and illegal means. This troubling news underscores the tremendous anxiety so many parents (and students) experience during the college search process. At CRG, we frequently see students who struggle with unrelenting pressure to achieve stellar academic profiles and report little to no enjoyment whatsoever about the high school experience. How did we get here? And can anything be done to restore a healthier balance to a rigorous secondary education? Dr. David Parker, CRG’s Postsecondary Disability Specialist, recently co-edited a paperback book that discusses all of this. Given its timeliness, the publisher recently lowered the price to encourage more people to read it. Becoming Self-Determined: Creating Thoughtful Learners in a Standards-Driven, Admissions-Frenzied Culture focuses on all college students, not just those with disabilities. Learn more here.
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