This month the nation focuses on children, adolescents, and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), including individuals with high functioning autism and Asperger’s Disorder. According to a new national survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), one in 50 school-age children may have autism spectrum disorder (ASD). As we all learn more about the diagnosis and treatment of people with this spectrum of disorders, early intervention is key to successful life outcomes. A number of resources can provide more information:
CRG’s Spring 2013 newsletter focuses on individuals with ASD. Read more about the new DSM-V and assessments, assistive technology, the review of a book about girls with ASD, and exploring college options. You can access the newsletter at
The Indiana Resource Center on Autism, at IU-Bloomington, provides a detailed list of suggestions for working with students with ASD. Find this helpful resource at
Support Autism awareness and celebrate a fun night of professional sports with the family at Autism Night at Indiana Pacers (April 9th). Learn more and order tickets at
The disabilityscoop website has many interesting links to news events and how the media portray people with ASD. Topics of current articles include a new push to expand insurance coverage as well as the role of grandparents in raising kids with ASD. Find these resources and more at
Finally, there are a number of excellent advocacy organizations here in Indiana that help parents/family members, educators, and others learn more about individuals with ASD. Visit these websites to learn more:
Autism Society of Indiana (
Answers for Autism (
Indiana Autism Resource Directory (